Hot Yoga Poses ? Bikram Movement For A Better Life

Do you desire to reach nirvana?

If so you’ll understand why yoga isn’t just an ordinary workout routine.

Not only will you attain that dream body but it comes with interesting benefits including a well-balanced state of mind, proper body alignment, plus improved general health.

Throw weight loss into the mix and that’s enough to make yoga one of the most holistic approaches to achieving an improved mind, body and soul.

Yoga varies with intensity, from relaxation techniques to more physically demanding poses $? for instance hot yoga.

Today we’re focusing on the latter.

If you’re new to yoga you might be wondering what hot yoga is.

Is it for everyone including beginners? Is it safe?

We’ll answer these questions and more below.

Before we discuss hot yoga poses, let’s look at what exactly constitutes hot yoga and shed more light on the terms.

What is Hot Yoga?

Hot yoga also known as Bikram yoga is when you practice yoga in a heated room.

Looking to shed a few kilos?

Hot yoga is amazing for weight loss because you sweat a lot.

Not only that but it increases your pulse rate and metabolism.

What is a Hot Yoga Pose?

A hot yoga pose is assuming a position which aids systematic movement of oxygenated blood to each organ and fiber of your body.

This consequently helps restore all systems to healthy working order.

How Hot is Hot?

Wondering just how hot the room you’re practicing in should be?

The room must be heated to between 35° to 42° Celsius.

Humidity of the room can be maintained to around 40% for an effective hot yoga experience.

Benefits of Hot Yoga Poses

Did you know you can burn around 477 calories per hour for a 150 lb.

female when you engage in hot yoga? If that got your attention, let’s briefly discuss what other benefits come from doing hot yoga poses.

Increased flexibility

Because you’re practicing yoga in a heated room your muscles are warmed up making them easier to stretch.

Extreme sweating

Just standing in a hot room for some time is enough to make you sweat.

Now imagine exercising in an equally hot room! You’re bound to sweat buckets.

As a result of practicing yoga in a hot room, your pulse rate increases resulting in burning more calories.

Improved sleep

After working out under such hot conditions, your body is left feeling relaxed and invigorated.

That way falling into a deep sleep is made easier.

Important Facts

How long must you hold each pose for?

With any form of exercise results are only noticed after a considerable time frame.

With that said how long should you hold a yoga pose to achieve optimum results?

You can hold each pose for 10 to 60 seconds depending on your experience and current fitness level.

This means whether you’re a newbie or a veteran in yoga, you can practice hot yoga.

Just base your time on your capabilities.

Did you know?

You can lose up to an average of 1.

5 liters of water during a session depending on the length of the yoga class.

You must drink at least 2 hours before each session commences; always being well hydrated can’t be over emphasized. Make sure you drink up to 2 liters of water daily.

The last thing you need is to pass out midsession due to dehydration.

On the day of the yoga class make sure you drink between 3 to 4 liters of water.

Side Effects of Hot Yoga Poses

Unfortunately, depending on the intensity of your yoga sessions there might be a few side effects associated with hot yoga including:

  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Dehydration

How Do You Avoid These Side Effects?

Although these side effects aren’t life threatening, there’re precautions you can take to avoid them.

  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated (At least 3 liters per day)
  • Find a reputable hot yoga studio that has professional equipment to monitor participants for heat exhaustion and dizziness during sessions.
  • Be aware of your body capabilities so you know your limitations

  • Drink too much coffee
  • Over exert yourself. It’s okay to take breaks during class

Types of Hot Yoga Poses

There’re about 26 different types of hot yoga poses to engage in.

Below we’ll discuss some of them briefly.

Standing Deep Breathing $? Parayma

This pose starts out in a standing position while engaging in breathing exercises that use optimal lung capacity.

This is characterized by a series of deep inhaling and exhaling techniques so as to provide your whole body with oxygen.


Assuming this position will help prevent respiratory problems for instance bronchitis and shortness of breath.

Half Moon Pose-Ardha $? Chandrasana

In a standing position you tilt to the side while stretching out your hands.

It’s also called the side stretching pose.


With this pose you’ll be able to:

  • Strengthen every muscle in the core of your body particularly your abdomen
  • Increase flexibility of your spine
  • Promote proper kidney function
  • Help cure enlargement of the liver or spleen
  • Reduce the size of your waistline
  • Trim your hips, buttocks and thighs

Awkward Pose-Utkatsana

This pose is also known as the chair pose since you assume the position of sitting in a chair while squatting.


With this particular pose you can reap the following benefits

  • Toned and shaped your legs
  • Heals chronically cold feet
  • Helps relieve rheumatism and arthritis in the legs
  • Cure slipped discs

Eagle Pose-Garursana

With this pose your body is quite compressed whereby you wrap your limbs tightly around each other.

This pose allows you to open up the 14 largest joints in the skeletal system.


As a result you’ll get the following benefits:

  • Improve flexibility in the knees, ankles and the rest of your body
  • Supply fresh blood to the reproductive system and kidneys
  • Increase sexual vitality
  • Creates a detoxifying and energizing effect on the body

Standing Head to Knee-Dandayamana-Janushirasana

This pose highly challenges your balance posture and engages the entire body.


  • With this posture you can enjoy the following:
  • Strengthen your hamstrings
  • Strengthen your leg muscles
  • Squeeze and flush out the gall bladder, spleen and pancreas

Standing Bow Pulling Pose-Natarajasana

The standing bow pose also known as the dancer pose is about creating proper body balance and alignment.


  • Strengthens your spine
  • Tones and lengthens entire leg & hip muscles
  • Improves balance and concentration

Balancing Stick Pose-Virabhadasrasana III

This is one of the more complex hot yoga poses.

This pose is also known as the airplane pose whereby you balance one leg while leaning forward with your arms stretched outwards, all while keeping your core engaged.


  • Strengthens ankles and legs
  • Tones abdominal muscles
  • Improves balance and coordination

Separate Leg Stretching Pose-Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Paschimotthanasana

Also known as the wide legged forward bend, this pose stretches the legs and spinal muscles.

This pose is ideal to prepare your body for relaxation.


  • Helps stretch and strengthen the inner legs
  • Relieves minor back pains

Triangle Pose-Trikonsana

This pose makes for a great stretch for your side body and its main focus in on your hips, legs and core.


  • Relieves back pain by strengthening the spine
  • Strengthens knees and tones your legs
  • Increases stamina

Separate Leg to Knee Pose-Dandayaman Bibhaktapada Janushirasana

This is an intense stretch in the legs and opens the shoulders.

In this pose you need to strike a balance and align your body while your feet remain grounded.


  • Strengthens legs
  • Improves balance
  • Improves digestion

Toe Stand-Padangustasana

This pose requires mental stamina and focus.

It expands range of motion in the knees, ankles and hips.


Strengthens feet

Corpse Pose-Savasana

This is undoubtedly one of the most loved hot yoga poses among yogis all over.

In this pose you lie down on your back facing upwards and you can use a yoga cushion under knees for extra support.


  • Body alignment
  • Helps improve breathing
  • Regulate stress hormones
  • Regulate brain activity

Wind Removing Pose-Pavanamuktasana

This posture is all about engaging the core so as to increase flexibility.

From lying down with your back against the floor, you bring your knees up to your chest and wrap your arms around your legs.


  • Relieve lower back pain
  • Strengthens your biceps, triceps and deltoids
  • Boosts confidence

Sit up-Pada-Hathasana

This calming and relaxing pose is characterized by bending forward with a subtle twist while sitting.

It’s excellent for energizing your body while stretching your legs.


  • ? ? ? ? ? Helps relieve anxiety
  • ? ? ? ? ? Helps relieve insomnia
  • ? ? ? ? ? Reduces headaches
  • ? ? ? ? ? Helps deal with mild depression

Cobra Pose-Bhujangasana

A common favorite, this pose involves imitating a snake by stretching while lifting your head.

It involves working with your shoulders, upper back and spine.


  • ? ? ? ? ? Helps relieve upper body stiffness
  • ? ? ? ? ? Strengthens entire shoulder area
  • ? ? ? ? ? Relieves menstrual pain
  • ? ? ? ? ? Massages internal organs

Locus Pose-Salabhasana

This pose engages your entire body and stretches your shoulders, chest and belly as well as front thighs, glutes, arms and legs while assuming a backbend position.


  • ? ? ? ? ? Improves body posture
  • ? ? ? ? ? Improves digestion by stimulating abdominal organs
  • ? ? ? ? ? Combats stress and fatigue

Bow Pose-Dhanurasana

This backbend pose is similar to the shape of an archer’s bow whereby you physically stretch out your chest and shoulders.


  • ? ? ? ? ? Stretches legs
  • ? ? ? ? ? Aids digestion
  • ? ? ? ? ? Increases your metabolism
  • ? ? ? ? ? Reduces stress and fatigue

Fixed Firm Pose-Supta Vajrasana

This posture allows you to stretch your leg muscles, knee joints, ankles, lower back and hips.

It offers a wonderful opportunity to rest and relax


  • ? ? ? ? ? Aids people who suffer from insomnia
  • ? ? ? ? ? Rectifies digestive issues
  • ? ? ? ? ? Helps those suffering from high blood pressure because of its calming effect

Half Tortoise Pose-Ardha Kurmasana

This pose helps you clear your mind.

In this posture you stretch your hips while gently releasing your neck and shoulders and compressing your diaphragm.


  • ? ? ? ? ? Stimulates respiration
  • ? ? ? ? ? Calms your body to a restful state
  • ? ? ? ? ? Relaxes body and mind

Camel Pose-Ustrasana

Beginners usually find this backbend posture challenging as it opens your chest and stretches your shoulders and abdominal wall.


  • ? ? ? ? ? Improves digestion
  • ? ? ? ? ? Stimulates kidneys
  • ? ? ? ? ? Increases circulation

Rabbit Pose-Sasangasana

This posture engages your core.

You sit on your heels and grab them with the back of your hands facing out.


  • ? ? ? ? ? Feeds nervous system with fresh blood
  • ? ? ? ? ? Rejuvenates thyroid gland
  • ? ? ? ? ? Aids digestion
  • ? ? ? ? ? Alleviates cold and sinus symptoms

Blowing in Firm

In this pose you assume a kneeling posture and engage in deep breathing techniques


  • ? ? ? ? ? Reduces stress
  • ? ? ? ? ? Improved general health
  • ? ? ? ? ? Help overcome addictions
  • ? ? ? ? ? Improves digestive system
  • ? ? ? ? ? Increases physical endurance

Final Words

Now that you have a general idea of what hot yoga is and the poses involved, you’ll agree with me that these techniques will provide you with vibrant health by decreasing the risk of certain health ailments.

Certain poses will help cleanse toxins from your body and also provide you with a stronger immune system.

You can enjoy improved general body strength as well as improve your flexibility and balance as a result of more flexible muscles.

Hot yoga poses will not only help you achieve your proper weight but head to toe fitness and increased muscle tone.

Your sense of well-being is drastically improved.

You will notice better breathing and hot yoga pose also provides you with therapeutic effects by reducing pains for instance lower back pain.

Just be sure to keep your body hydrated for optimum results.

With that said why not visit the nearest reputable yoga studio and take your mind, body and soul to another level?

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